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Begin life afresh and new

Travel without luggage and a baggage cart, this you must do.

Then scent the world with the roses you smell along the way.

And light the world with the sun you choose to see each day.

You see, you become the seed to

your possibilities

You find you are the key to

your destiny and legacy

If you travel without your baggage and luggage cart

From a new heart in Him

will find a fresh start Old things are passed away; behold, all things become new.

Like this poem? Find more poetry when you read Soul’s Worth.

Poetry by Pamela Purnell

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I am educator, writer, speaker, storyteller, spoken word artist and published poet. My published works include Soul's Worth, Uplifted, Memories of ____, as well as the soon to be released books The Reason Why I Dance and Rose Petals. I would characterized my writing as motivational and inspirational. I attended Illinois Stater University and Prairie View A&M University. I am also attended classes at Eastern University of Pa and Life Christian University. I am a Chicago native with three adults sons.