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Some folks call it Karma.

Some say what goes around comes around

But this I know for certain

“Every dog has his day.”

Some say it is just the Law of Reciprocity

Some call it retribution or compensation

But this I know is true

God is not mocked; you reap what you sow

Some state, “What goes up must come down.”

And for every action, a reaction

But this I know is sure

What you do unto others

Unwittingly, you do the same to you

You do the same to you

Sow to the flesh and reap of the flesh corruption.

Like this poem? Find more poetry when you read Soul’s Worth.

Poetry by Pamela Purnell

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I am educator, writer, speaker, storyteller, spoken word artist and published poet. My published works include Soul's Worth, Uplifted, Memories of ____, as well as the soon to be released books The Reason Why I Dance and Rose Petals. I would characterized my writing as motivational and inspirational. I attended Illinois Stater University and Prairie View A&M University. I am also attended classes at Eastern University of Pa and Life Christian University. I am a Chicago native with three adults sons.