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In my teaching,

teach me to learn.

There is no reason why I cannot be who I am,

In my learning, and you be who you are,

help me to give and they be who they think they “wanna” be.

In my giving, this week.

teach me to love.

There is no reason for me to be less of me.

In my loving, so you are comfortable being less of you.

help me to die trying to hang with more of them who do not know who they are.


There is no way that darkness can hide my truth light when I accept there are night and day between us, and if you chose to stay there while I choose to be free; It is ok!

Like this poem? Find more poetry when you read Uplifted.

Available in paperback

Poetry written by Pamela Purnell

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I am educator, writer, speaker, storyteller, spoken word artist and published poet. My published works include Soul's Worth, Uplifted, Memories of ____, as well as the soon to be released books The Reason Why I Dance and Rose Petals. I would characterized my writing as motivational and inspirational. I attended Illinois Stater University and Prairie View A&M University. I am also attended classes at Eastern University of Pa and Life Christian University. I am a Chicago native with three adults sons.